Tag Archives: Big Think

What did you do today…Part 2

I would like to recommend a blog article I read today by DANIEL BURRUS.  You can find it here: http://bigthink.com/flash-foresight/its-time-to-redefine-and-reinvent-your-business-and-your-career-before-others-do-it-for-you?

He made a very important point in this article...”It is important to understand that you can’t go backward, and you can’t stand still; you can’t rest on your laurels, and you can’t keep doing what you’ve always done and expect to thrive, even if you do your best to keep doing it better. The only way to survive, let alone thrive, is to continuously reinvent and redefine.”

In yesterday’s post, I asked the question, “What did you do today?”  The answer for far too many people is, “the same thing I did yesterday.”

Many people can remember when that pretty well summed up a career.  You could do the same set of tasks  daily for 40 years and then retire with a pension at age 65,  Today that has all changed.   In our rapidly changing world, your product or service may not even exist in 10 years….or less!

I also read today about companies that are proactive (translate successful) and companies that are reactive (translate failing).

So I’m asking the question again today,  “What are you doing today….to get ready for tomorrow?

This article will help you sort through the coming changes:  http://bigthink.com/flash-foresight/12-certainties-that-will-transform-every-career-and-create-new-ones

Thoughts by Tom Burns, Seller of things essential to life as we know it…..Connect with me at http://www.kimtag.com/nashvillesmarttom